Let the Celebrations Begin!
Teachers, you have one of the most important (and challenging) professions. We appreciate all the hard work you put into supporting the development of children, and as a token of our gratitude with a special promotion just for you!
$10 off our Flagship Life
Ingredients Course
Making it only $49.99
“A Book About Thoughts” for Free
with Purchase of the Flagship Course
Valued at $19.95
Use the code “WeAppreciateTeachers” at checkout to claim your offer.
What the Data Says
Studies show that children with higher emotional intelligence are better able to pay attention, are more engaged in school, have more positive relationships, and are more empathic.
We have more anxiety than ever before in the modern world.
Analysis on the emotional lives of leaders, teachers, and students right now shows the highest levels of anxiety than ever before.
Source: Yale Medicine
Kids that have been taught emotional intelligence come into our centers happy, are ready to learn, and socialize.
They have a different outlook in life and that causes them to see themselves as being successful and thrive in the world.
Source: Boys & Girls Club
Teaching children emotional intelligence is proven to have real benefits.
It’s proven to create stronger connections to teachers, build stronger friendships, better manage conflict, and result in greater academic achievement.
Source: HBR
The Life Ingredients Flagship Course
Our original and most coveted course! You’ll gain immediate access to all 8 Life Ingredients Lessons (Thoughts, Calm, Clarity, Gratitude, Guidance, Observation, Perspective, Truth). Each ingredient lesson called a Life Recipe has 9 modules with hours of content in the form of animated videos, digital books, stories, life lessons, music, basic life skills, calm mind sessions, and more proven to increase children’s emotional intelligence. While this course is helpful at any age, we find it’s most popular among 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders.
By gaining access to the entire course, you can go at your own pace and hop around to areas most relevant to you and your child now!
Use the code “WeAppreciateTeachers” at checkout to claim your offer.
Demo Life Ingredients
Getting started with Life Ingredients is easy. Watch the short video below to gain a small glimpse into all that Life Ingredients has to offer parents, teachers, and of course, kids!
A Book About Thoughts By Life Ingredients
This book gives children (and adults!) the tools to create awareness about what we are thinking and teaches how to seek the best route on life’s adventure. Nothing has ever been created without a thought and that changes our thinking from a random source to an element of creation. Knowing the truth about thoughts guides the way to an interesting life where thoughts become matter. That matter becomes you!
Buy Flagship Course for $49.99 and get this book free!